It’s Not A Good Time To Make Long Term Decisions When You’re Trying Not To Drown

Legal Wellness- July 17, 2021. This is a visual depiction of reacting while under stress vs. being proactive from a relaxed state.

Situation A Imagine waking up in a boat with rushing water all around you.  How do you feel?  What are your immediate thoughts?  Are you able to think about what your plans are for the future or are you thinking about how you’re going to survive this boat ride?

Situation B Now imagine waking up in a boat on a tranquil lake?  How do you feel?  What are your immediate thoughts?  Are you able to think about what your plans are for the future or are you thinking about how you’r going to survive this boat ride?

When you’re in Scenario A, the primary thought is most likely on survival.  You are reacting to the situation and trying not to sink or drown.  When you’re in survival mode, you aren’t thinking about your future plans outside of how you’re going to get out of the situation alive.  You’re probably not noticing all the various aspects of the current situation outside of the options available for your survival. 

When you’re in Scenario B, the primary thought is most likely a sense of relaxation.  When you’re relaxed, you’re able to better think about the future as there is no need to devote all of your thoughts to surviving the present moment.  You’re probably better able to notice the various aspects of the current situation since being in a relaxed sense can help increase mental clarity.

Scenario A represents the feelings you can experience when you depend upon someone for your housing and financial wellbeing who has no legal obligation to provide for you, and you experience a romantic break up or their death.  You may find yourself just trying to survive and you may grasp at options that aren’t in your long term best interest.

Scenario B represents the ideal situation from when you should plan for your future- relaxed, not under stress, and with increased mental clarity.  

Do not allow yourself to be in a situation where you need to REACT to your housing and financial survival.  Be PROACTIVE and plan for your housing and financial wellbeing.