Journals and Logbooks

October 16, 2021- Writing, to some, is considered a lost art in this digital age.  So many things in life are digital and it almost feels like you’re stepping back in time when you take pen to paper, but there is value in writing.  From a wellness and legal perspective, writing has several benefits.

From an estate planning perspective, journal writing can be used to maintain family records, and also just be a tangible way to hold and touch something that your loved one once touched.  Memories, and the feelings evoked from them, can be far more valuable than the “traditional” items that are usually left to heirs and beneficiaries.  Journals can create and document a legacy that is passed down from one generation to another.  Therefore, journals can be considered as a part of the estate planning process. 

From a wellness standpoint, there is such a feel good factor to listening to those who have come before us, and receiving their life lessons; and those who have come before us feel good as well knowing that their life and experiences can help those who have come after them.

If you have paper, notebooks, etc., you can start writing at any time.  If you wanted something new, I’ve created a few journals in furtherance of the belief that legacy isn’t just “stuff”, but a lifetime of experiences.  Also, prayer and gratitude can be a part of your legacy as well, and are both wonderful for the soul, so there are also prayer and gratitude journals.  A short description of these journals, and others existing as of this date, is below.

Letters to My Loved Ones is for people to document family memories and to let your loved ones know how you feel about them.  This journal can be used for when you have passed away, or while you are still living.  You and your loved ones can document experiences and thoughts throughout the year and then share the entries at a family/friend gathering as a way to bring everyone together.

The Prayer Journal is to record your prayers and document when the prayers are answered.  From a wellness perspective, studies have shown that prayer has a number of beneficial emotional and mental effects.

The Gratitude Journal is to note the experiences for which we have to be thankful.  Much like prayer, feeling gratitude has also been shown to have positive effects, both emotionally and mentally.

The Yoga Journal can be used by yoga practitioners, yoga teachers, or both, to document your yoga journey.  The Yoga Journal can also be used to document your experience during teacher training.

The Password Logbook can be used to keep track of your passwords.  This is helpful from a personal standpoint, as well as for your loved ones if you lose mental capacity or are just unable to provide this information to someone you trust, who may need to get to it.

Click here to go to the Journals and Logbooks page.

Click here to go to the Amazon page with the Journals and Logbooks. 

Whether it be with one of the journals offered on this site or any other journal, I do hope you take the time to practice this lost art.  I think it will be good for your soul, as well as for your loved ones.